Everything Supply Chain Blog
Car Recycling – How to turn a junker into money. Car recycling typically involves the following steps: It is worth noting that the steps may vary depending on the facility and the location, and...
How Legos are made – Legos Supply Chain The detailed process of making LEGOs includes the following steps: The process of making LEGOs is highly automated, with robots and computer-controlled machines performing most of...
Navigating the Grocery Maze: Solving the Logistical Challenges of Grocery Stores. Grocery stores are a vital part of our everyday lives, providing us with the food and other items we need to survive. However,...
This is a great video about the history of the Toyota Production System. The Toyota Production System (TPS) is a method of manufacturing developed by the Toyota Motor Corporation in the mid-20th century. It...
Process Improvement: Six Sigma & Kaizen Methodologies Process improvement is a method of identifying and eliminating inefficiencies and defects in a business process in order to increase efficiency, reduce costs, and improve overall performance....
Future of the Digital Supply Chain The future of the digital supply chain is expected to see a greater integration of technology and automation, leading to increased efficiency, visibility, and agility. Some specific trends...
A Look Inside a Skittles Factory In The US This video shows how a Skittles factory shaped the economy of a small town in Illinois. The factory employs 425 people and makes millions of...
Amazon Empire: The Rise and Reign of Jeff Bezos (full film) Jeff Bezos truly did create an Amazon Empire. This is a two hour full film of the rise and reign of Jeff Bezos...
Interview: Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos Interview: Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos. Jeff Bezos Quotes CEO and Leadership Blogs A wide assortment of videos from top CEOs and leadership gurus.
Top 10 Forklift Accidents Any forklift accident can be extremely dangerous because of the size and nature of the machine. Forklift accidents can be extremely dangerous and even fatal. Here are some reasons why:...