Employee Satisfaction Employee Satisfaction is one of the keys to great customer service. If the employees like what they are doing the people they deal with can see this. The Fish! Philosophy (styled FISH!...
DONALD TRUMP IS A REFLECTION OF US – Simon Sinek on Trump Whether you like Donald Trump or not it is good to understand the person. CEO videos 20 Lessons From 20 Women Worth...
Attitude Reflects Leadership This scene is from the movie Remember the Titans. Julius: You been doin’ your job? Gerry: I’ve been doin’ my job. Julius: Then why don’t you tell your white buddies to...
Accepting the Need for Change by Dwight Comer CPIM CIRM CSCP I guess I’m something of an old fashion guy because I love the old movies. Now one of my favorite scenes from...
Top Leadership Quotes “Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other.” ~John F. Kennedy “I wouldn’t ask anyone to do anything I wouldn’t do myself.” ~Indra Nooyi “Leaders don’t create followers, they create more...
Tony Robbins – The world will give you exactly what you ask of it Success is a brick by brick A-Z process. It isn’t rocket science. So, what if someone gave you the bricks,...
Collection of LEADERSHIP videos by Simon Sinek Great collection of leadership videos by Simon Sinek. “Leadership is a way of thinking, a way of acting and, most importantly, a way of communicating.” ~Simon Sinek...
Jeff Bezos Amazon story Jeff Bezos is the founder and CEO of Amazon, one of the world’s largest and most successful e-commerce companies. Here is a brief overview of the story of how Bezos...
Tony Robbins discusses the “invisible forces” that motivate everyone’s actions — and high-fives Al Gore in the front row. Key Invisible Forces Human Needs Psychology: Tony Robbins has popularized the idea that there are...
Elon Musk Entrepreneur Elon Musk is a man with many plans. The founder of PayPal, Tesla Motors and SpaceX sits down with TED curator Chris Anderson to share details about his visionary projects, which...