Category: Leadership

Be a Leader People Want to Work For.

Be a Leader People Want to Work For.

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Be a great leader “The greatest leader is not necessarily the one who does the greatest things. He is the one that gets the people to do the greatest things.” ~Ronald Reagan “A true...

Navy SEALs on how leadership defines a team

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Navy SEALs on how leadership defines a team Other videos you may find interesting. 15-Yr-Old Kelvin Doe Wows M.I.T. Innovative minds are everywhere. 7.2 million views. Creation of a Team. Football & business.  Don’t...

Jack Welch On Leadership & Profits. 80k views

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Jack Welch is a retired American businessman and author who is best known for his role as CEO of General Electric (GE) from 1981 to 2001. During his tenure, Welch transformed GE into one...

Conversation with PepsiCo CEO Indra Nooyi and David Bradley

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Conversation with PepsiCo CEO Indra Nooyi PepsiCo CEO Indra Nooyi, oversees 22 brands that generate more than $1 billion each in annual retail sales. CEO Quotes. Too often people think about intuition as the...

Simon Sinek: Why good leaders make you feel safe

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Simon Sinek, a leadership expert and author, argues that good leaders make their followers feel safe by clearly communicating their vision and values, and by creating an environment in which individuals feel valued and...

Two of the Keys to Walmart’s Success

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From As the retired Chief Operating Officer of Walmart, Don Soderquist is often asked, “How has Walmart done it?” or “What’s the secret?” His response is that there is no secret, no magic...