Hard Work & Execution Quotes “Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.” ~ Thomas Edison “Never, never, never give up.” ~ Winston Churchill “I’m a great...
Hard Times – Motivational Video Hard Times – Motivational Video. As long as you believe in you, you have the right mindset, you can do whatever you want. If you fail, you need to...
Ordinary People Doing Extraordinary Things. We are all capable of extraordinary things. It is never too late to live your dream. An inspirational 4 minute music video that celebrates imagination, courage and rising up...
Need motivation? Rocky II – Rocky’s Run Rocky’s Run: Great video to get motivated and make things happen. Get motivated, stay motivated. Reach your goals. Rocky’s run in “Rocky II” is a pivotal and...
VIDEO: Arnold Schwarzenegger Motivation Speech From Humble Beginnings to Global Icon Arnold Schwarzenegger’s life journey, from his humble beginnings in a small Austrian village to becoming a global icon and motivational speaker, is an...
Employee Satisfaction Employee Satisfaction is one of the keys to great customer service. If the employees like what they are doing the people they deal with can see this. The Fish! Philosophy (styled FISH!...
Attitude Reflects Leadership This scene is from the movie Remember the Titans. Julius: You been doin’ your job? Gerry: I’ve been doin’ my job. Julius: Then why don’t you tell your white buddies to...
Tony Robbins – The world will give you exactly what you ask of it Success is a brick by brick A-Z process. It isn’t rocket science. So, what if someone gave you the bricks,...
Denzel Washington’s Top 10 Rules For Success Great video showing Denzel Washington’s Rules for Success. 10 Reasons Why People Listen to Denzel Washington Success Quotes Leadership and Motivational Training.
Are you the type of person who makes everything complicated, or makes everything simple? If you had a hiring decision to make and all things being equal would you rather have someone who makes...