Purchasing Skills Managing your supply is a key skill for someone in supply chain. This is a good presentation to get you to understand the basics. There are a great deal of training videos...
Comedy about Warehouses and hard work: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver There is plenty of comedy that can be talked about with Warehouses and hard work. I wasn’t going to click this video...
Walmart Supply Chain Research We have a great deal of information on this site about the Walmart Supply Chain. To make it easier for you to find it we have tried to aggregate most...
Training Material by Supply Chain Process: Planning, Sourcing, Manufacturing, Shipping… The goal is to make the overall Supply Chain Process as simple as possible with plenty of learning resources provided. What links should we...
Logistics and Supply Chain Management This presentation will review the growth and evolution of logistics and supply chain management, discuss their importance to business in a modern industrialized and globalized world and their subsequent...
The Bullwhip Effect 101. The bullwhip effect is a phenomenon that can occur in supply chain management, in which small changes in demand at the retail level can lead to larger and more volatile...
Supply Chain Business Blogs Large assortment of supply chain training and business blogs. Topics include supply chain videos about Walmart, Amazon, Alibaba, Apple, Tesla etc. Hear from top business minds such as Elon Musk...
Digital Supply Networks: The digital transformation Other videos you may find interesting Domino’s First Company To Deliver Pizza By Drone Elon Musk: How I Became The Real ‘Iron Man’. Future of the Digital Supply...
IKEA Logistics Design Flat-pack logistics design at IKEA involves a range of activities that are focused on ensuring that flat-packaged products are delivered to stores and customers in a timely and cost-effective manner. Some...
From youtube.com: This presentation will demonstrate how leading supply chains can deliver a sustainable competitive advantage, with a focus on creating free cash flow, reducing operating costs and delivering market leading service levels. Practical...