Why UPS trucks never turn left – Supply Chain
UPS trucks never turn left
Why UPS Trucks Almost Never Turn Left
UPS drivers are trained to avoid making left turns because it’s part of a strategy designed to improve safety and efficiency. The company’s routing software, called ORION (On-Road Integrated Optimization and Navigation), optimizes delivery routes by minimizing left turns for the following reasons:
- Safety: Left turns often involve crossing oncoming traffic, which increases the risk of accidents. By reducing left turns, UPS drivers face fewer potentially hazardous situations.
- Time Efficiency: Left turns can lead to delays due to traffic lights and waiting for gaps in oncoming traffic. Avoiding them generally leads to smoother, faster driving.
- Fuel Savings: Waiting at intersections burns more fuel. By cutting down on idle time, avoiding left turns reduces fuel consumption, leading to significant cost savings for the company.
Though not all left turns are avoided, minimizing them helps UPS improve its operational efficiency on a large scale. This policy reportedly saves millions of gallons of fuel and reduces CO2 emissions annually.
Find out why UPS trucks never turn left. Senior VP Bob Stoffel explains how a policy of only making right turns saves the company both time and money. Great story on why UPS is one of the great supply chain companies.
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